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The set of "Steel Heart" is where heaven is

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"Everyone, are you going to feel tired during today's taping? You are, aren't you?" The person who says this in the most coy yet charming way is none other than Kang Ho-dong, the main host of SBS variety show "Steel Heart." He was a former national champion in Korean wrestling and currently also plays the Knee-Drop Guru [on MBC's celebrity talk show "Golden Fishery"]. And like the male Siberian Tiger he is called, more than capable of going out far beyond Korea, his show "Two Night and One Day" is also ready to soon go on its excursion to the South Pole.

With more than twenty guests appearing on every episode, inevitably making the conversations last for over a total six to seven hours in a single sitting, the show's taping session becomes a test of one's physical strength. Hence, the host has to tend to the audience before shooting begins and Kang's partner Lee Seung-gi also greets the audience members with his generous smile. But the audience seem particularly glad to see Lee Soo-geun -- comedian and former MC of a rival variety show -- and cry out in unison "Soo-geun oppa! Great to see you!" before the taping begins. But for Lee -- who coveted Kang Ho-dong's position as show host -- such moments of glory comes to an abrupt end, lasting only five minutes as he starts to ramble during his turn to speak. Then Kang Hong-dong and Lee Seung-gi display their superb skills as hosts by keeping the conversation going and lifting up the atmosphere again.
When Lee Seung-gi joins in the romantic set-up between Yoona of Girls' Generation and Taecyeon of 2PM, who have sparked dating rumors, veteran radio personality Kim Hye-young makes everyone laugh by calling the three's romantic involvement as "mating". And with her Tina Turner-like charisma, comedienne Jung Jury -- who has publicly expressed her burning desire to "conquer one idol a week" -- is taken aback by the aggressiveness of actress Hwang In-young who says "Now that I have met Taecyeon, I won't have any regrets when I die."

Then Seohyun, the youngest member of Girls' Generation, confesses an unlikely predicament saying, "There is a line in the new single "Oh!" that goes "I love you oppa [term females use in referring to an older guy]" and it makes me want to cringe when I sing it." On the other hand, bandmate Sooyoung reveals a tragedy which occurred while attempting to perform to the lyrics in a cutesy and cheesy way.

Actress Hong Soo-ah -- a.k.a. "Hong Throw" -- prepares to give a demonstration of her baseball pitch in the studio and pegs Kim Young-chul as her catcher. But since Kim Young-chul is too scared to catch her ball, Kang Ho-dong offers to take over, saying "I will be the one to get hurt". Fortunately, no one gets injured during Hong's first and second wild pitches which end up being strikes.
The show goes on; 2PM member Junho, who initially acts as if indifferent to Taecyeon's popularity by saying, "Popularity comes and goes like the seasons." But he then angrily shouts, "So when is it going to come to me!" and puts on a fantastic performance on the show, which might bring him even greater recognition than Taecyeon. Super Junior members Eunhyuk and Shindong's performances follow and that is when Hwang In-young, satisfied with her variety show appearance which comes for the first time in a long while, cries out, "This is heaven!"

Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@10asia.co.kr
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr, Jang Kyung-Jin three@10asia.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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