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Wonder Girls topping U.S. online poll for "Video of the Year"

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Korean pop group Wonder Girls is currently topping an online poll for "The Video of the Year" conducted by U.S. music site Musiqtone.com.

As of January 19, the girl band has accumulated a total of 993,000 votes -- accounting for 35 percent of the total number of votes -- for the English-version music video to their hit single "Nobody", ranking first among some 80 music videos that were released in 2009.
The group is reportedly ahead of the race in the competition, which includes some of the biggest names in the music business such as Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas, Coldplay, Green Day, Kanye West and Taylor Swift. German band Tokio Hotel's "Automatic" is trailing in second place with 754,723 votes.

Music fans from around the world can place their vote at the website and each person is allowed up to place 50 votes a day. The month-long poll began in late December last year and will end on January 31.

Wonder Girls, who debuted in 2007, is one of the most successful K-pop groups who has made an impressive crossover to the United States. In October, the group's U.S. debut single "Nobody" entered the Billboard Hot100 at No. 76, making them the first Korean artists to be placed on the chart in its 115-year history.
They had actively promoted themselves in the U.S. last year -- opening for popular boy band The Jonas Brothers during their U.S. summer tour, appearing on radio and television shows including FOX's "Wendy Williams Show" and "So You Think You Can Dance".

The group is currently recording their album in the U.S. due out next month.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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