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F4 captivates all on set of TV series "Boys Over Flowers"

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It is easy to find your way to the set of KBS TV series "Boys Over Flowers," located in the English Village in Yangpyeong of the Gyeonggi Province. And it is even easier to find Goo Jun-pyo, played by Lee Min-ho, amongst the crowd of girls who cry out shouts of glee and housewives standing on tiptoe to get a glance at the spectacle before them. His good-looking face pokes out above a group of stylists and staff, reminding you how tall he is. At glance, Lee may seem grown up enough to act like the stubborn Goo Jun-pyo he is in the drama. But the moment the camera stops rolling, he transforms into the immature high school version of Goo -- riding down the banister rather than walking the stairs and chasing around actress Ku Hye-sun while imitating how her character Geum Jan-di talks and runs in quick and short steps.

Then as three handsome men appear on signal of the director who shouts out "F3!", onlookers who had been holding their breath burst into cheer. It is quite impossible to stay composed while observing Kim Jun, who is as reserved and at ease as his character Song Woo-bin, Kim Bum, who plays a tune on the piano placed inside a waiting room on set, and Kim Hyun-joong, who catches one's eyes by quite oddly practicing his dance moves whenever he has spare time. But you are not allowed to make any loud noise on set. The last thing F4 wants to do is to make a blooper amidst the tight shooting schedule and the interviews in between, along with the time they have to make for their fans to sign posters and soundtracks for their drama. It is a relief that no matter how tired they are, how rough things get and that even if they were to get hurt, the F4 on set is young enough to keep things rolling.

Reporter : Yoon Hee-Seong nine@10asia.co.kr
Photographer : Lee Won-woo
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr, Jang Kyung-Jin three@10asia.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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