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Younha continues to dominate radio, online music charts

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Korean singer Younha is still dominating online and offline music charts in Korea with her hit single "I Broke Up Today", according to her agency on Wednesday.

Lion Media explained in a press release that "Today" -- the title track from her third album "Part B. Growing Season" -- topped the Air Monitor Chart for the fourth consecutive week, receiving the most airplay on the radio from December 21 thru January 11.
Web-based music providers including Dosirak, Melon and Mnet also reported that the "Today" was still very popular on their websites after having topped their music charts for several weeks last month.

The 21-year-old singer, nicknamed the "Oricon comet" for her success in Japan, released her debut album "Go! Younha" in Japan in 2005. She has since released several more albums in Japan and Korea as well.

The singer was recently hospitalized for having a fever and showing symptoms of pneumonia and laryngitis. She is still receiving treatment after performing on SBS music show "Inkigayo" on Sunday.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
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