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Song Kang-ho movie "Brothers" to open in Feb

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Film "Sworn Brothers", starring top Korean actors Song Kang-ho and Kang Dong-won, will be released next February, according to the film's producer Showbox on Tuesday.

The film had received much attention for casting two of Korea's leading actors and for being directed by newcomer Jang Hoon, who received the award for Best New Director at the Young-Pyung Film Festival last year for his directorial debut "Rough Cut".
Song will play a discharged National Intelligence Service agent while Kang an abandoned secret agent from North Korea in "Brothers", about two government secret agents meeting up again, six years after they first met in a downtown shoot-out.

Song Kang-ho is one of Korea's most successful actors who has starred in a handful of hit films including "Memories of Murder", "The Host" and "Thirst", which won the Jury Prize at Cannes earlier this year.

Kang Dong-won is one of the most promising actors of the younger generation, who has appeared in several notable movies including 2006's "Our Happy Time", 2004's "Romance of Their Own" and "Too Beautiful to Lie", which co-starred Hallyu star Kim Ha-neul.

Reporter : Lim Hye-seon lhsro@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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