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NU'EST to give debut performance on March 15

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NU'EST [Pledis Entertainment]

NU'EST [Pledis Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Upcoming Korean boy band NU'EST will give their debut performance in two weeks time, according to their agency Pledis Entertainment on Wednesday.

A PR rep with Pledis told 10Asia over the phone that NU'EST is scheduled to give their first televised performance on cable music channel Mnet's "M! CountDown" on March 15 and their audio and video teasers will soon be released.
The official also explained that the firm will publish a magazine featuring information about the group and photographs and fashion tips from the boys.

"We plan on releasing the magazine at least twice a year depending on the response from our fans and the first edition will soon go on sale."

The urban electro band is composed of members JR, Minhyun, Aron, Baekho and Ren. "NU," from the group name NU'EST, represents the word 'new' and the letters following thereafter stand for 'Establish,' 'Style,' and 'Tempo.'
Ahead of their debut, the members of NU'EST took part in the "HAPPY PLEDIS" project to release their joint song "Love Letter" with After School and Son Dambi in December last year.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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