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IU’s “Good Day” takes charge of Mnet chart for 4th week

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Singer IU in music video "Good Day" [Loen Entertainment]

Singer IU in music video "Good Day" [Loen Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

The New Year opened with IU’s song “Good Day” on top of Mnet music chart as of December 27 to January 2.

This is the fourth week in a row that “Good Day,” the title track to female singer IU’s EP album “Real,” has topped cable music channel Mnet’s weekly singles chart.
A song about a girl confessing her feelings to a guy, "Good Day" has been sweeping music charts both offline and online with its sweeping dynamic melody combining the violin, brass and organ solo.

GD&T.O.P’s “OH YEAH,” a rap song by male duet G-Dragon and T.O.P from boy band Big Bang, also maintained its second place for three straight weeks on Mnet singles chart.

The song, one of the three title tracks to the group’s first album, combines electronic and hip-hop sounds with a featuring by girl group 2NE1 leader Park Bom.
Placing at No.3 on the singles chart was “KNOCK OUT,” another title track to GD&T.O.P’s first album which jumped eight steps from the previous week.

“KNOCK OUT” is a hip-hop number which has the two singers describing their busy lifestyle chased by their schedules and scandals.

On Mnet's album chart, GD&T.O.P’s first album “GD &T.O.P” and IU’s second EP album “Real” maintained their places at first and second, respectively, for the second consecutive week.

Third place was taken by “Secret Garden Soundtrack Part 4” which newly entered the chart. The album which is one of the original soundtracks to SBS hit-drama “Secret Garden” starring Ha Ji-won and Hyun Bin, features “Your Are My Spring” by singer Sung Si-kyung as title track.

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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