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After School to perform at Thai music fest this weekend

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Korean pop group After School has been invited to perform at an international music festival in Thailand over the weekend, according to their agency PLEDIS on Tuesday.

PLEDIS announced in a press release that the girl band will be participating in the "Pattaya International Music Festival 2010", to be held March 19 thru 21, as representatives of Korean pop music.
The festival, into its eighth year, is the biggest pop music event held in Southeast Asia which features performances by numerous musicians in the region including China, Hong Kong, Japan, Laos, Malaysia and the Philippines.

The girl group, who recently topped various music charts in Thailand, is also scheduled to drop by a local orphanage during their visit to deliver care packages.

After School, originally composed of seven members, made their official debut in January 2009 with the single album "New Schoolgirl". They gained more popularity with the success of their second mini-album, released last November, and swept Korean music charts with the title single "Because Of You".
It was recently announced that an eighth member will be joining the group and a teaser photo of their upcoming third single "Bang!" drew much attention from fans on Monday.

"Bang!" will be released simultaneously on online and offline on March 25.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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