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Jang Dong-gun, Ko So-young rumored to wed in May

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Top Korean actors Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young, who admitted to their two-year romantic relationship last November, are again sparking rumors of a wedding in May, according to various reports surrounding the couple.

First, there was talk among industry sources that Ko was seen around Seoul, shopping for a wedding dress at high-end bridal shops.
Then producers of "ENEWS" -- which airs on Korea cable channel tvN -- reported that an employee at one of the wedding shops had said the 37-year-old actress had been eyeing American bridal brand Kenneth Pool. ENEWS even went as far as to predict that Ko "will choose a simple, romantic dress."

However, representatives for the star couple dismissed the rumor, saying that "there are no plans for a wedding."

There had been similar talk and sightings of the actress shopping around for a white gown shortly after the two went public with their relationship last year. But their agencies had denied the rumor, saying that Ko had accompanied her former stylist who was engaged to be married.
Jang and Ko, both 37, met as co-stars in the 1999 film "Love Wind, Love Song". They were seen together for the first time at the airport two weekends ago, returning from a trip to Hawaii with close friends.

Jang, who recently underwent a knee surgery, is scheduled to start shooting the film "D-day" in June.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
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