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Rain's CNN interview to air tomorrow

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Asian pop sensation Rain's appearance on CNN's "Talk Asia" as a representative figure of Korea, will be broadcast tomorrow, according to his agency on Tuesday.

CNN had invited the singer to appear on the show during last week's "Eye on South Korea", a week-long special program focusing on various aspects of the country including its economy and culture.
During the interview, Rain sat down with CNN anchorwoman Anna Coren and talked about various topics including his career, his mother's death and working in Hollywood, J.Tune Entertainment explained in a press release.

The singer talked about his mother passing away when he was 18, saying that she had wanted him to study but as he idolized Michael Jackson and wanted to dance, he always had regrets about not giving her what she wanted.

He also talked about his early years, when he was rejected at 12 auditions for his looks. The singer credits JYP Entertainment founder and singer Park Jin-young for the many changes in his life which enabled him to perform on television.
When asked about being selected as the Most Influential Person by TIME Magazine in 2007, Rain answered that it was "unbelievable" and opened many doors for him in Hollywood. He also talked about appearing in his first Hollywood movie "Speed Racer" in 2008 and the upcoming action flick "Ninja Assassin".

Rain started his career with major talenthouse JYP Entertainment but left the agency in November 2007 to start his own entertainment company J. Tune Entertainment.

He has released several albums in Korea and starred in movies and TV series, most notably dramas "Full House" and "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School."

He starred in a Wachowski Brothers production "Ninja Assassin", which is set for a worldwide release in November.

The interview is set to air Wednesday on CNN at 9:30 p.m.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
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