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Actor Kwon to install life-size doll in Japan

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Korean Wave star Kwon Sang-woo will be installing a life-size doll of himself in his shop in Japan, according to his official website.

"I just got back from a short, busy schedule in Japan," the 33-year-old actor wrote on his online fan cafe on Thursday. "I even produced a life-size wax doll for the shop opening in December."
The Hallyu star went on to say, "I've been very busy since I got back. It's a secret but you'll find out in December."

Kwon has starred in several successful movies including "My Tutor Friend" in 2003 and "Love, So Divine" in 2004. But his most famous role to date was in the 2003 TV series "Stairway to Heaven", which co-starred another Hallyu star Choi Ji-woo and became a hit throughout Asia.

He married Korean actress Son Tae-young in 2008, who gave birth to a boy earlier this year, and opened a coffee shop "Tea'Us" in Seoul's trendy Myeongdong district in May.

Senior Reporter : Moon Yong-sung lococo@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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