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Park Si-yeon signs up to play Song Joong-ki's lover in upcoming TV series

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Park Si-yeon [Eyagi Entertainment]

Park Si-yeon [Eyagi Entertainment]

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Making her return to the small screen after a two-year hiatus, Korean actress Park Si-yeon has confirmed her role in an upcoming KBS TV series.

Her agency, Eyagi Entertainment, announced on Thursday that Park has decided to play the female lead named Han Jae-hee in KBS' drama "Chakan Namja" (Romanized titled), scheduled to air in August.
The officials said that "Chakan Namja," which is translated into 'Good-hearted Man,' will be produced by director Kim Ji-won and scenarist Lee Kyun-hee of "I'm Sorry, I Love You."

"Chakan Namja" will follow the story with Kang Ma-roo (played by actor Song Joong-ki) getting dumped by Han, who puts her career first before everything else including her love life.

However, their relationship does not end there and the story continues as Kang tries to get revenge on Han by using another woman (played by actress Moon Chae-won), who lost her past life memories.
Park, who recently promoted her film "The Scent" with opposite actor Park Hee-soon, made her debut into the entertainment industry through SBS' TV series "My Girl" in 2005.

Also being the runner-up at the 2000 Miss Korea pageant, her last role in the small screen was SBS' drama "Coffee House" in 2010.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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