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Kwone Sang-woo, Soo-ae's drama to begin new project in Nov

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Kwone Sang-woo poses for a profile picture while holding a hat. [Bel Actors Entertainment]

Kwone Sang-woo poses for a profile picture while holding a hat. [Bel Actors Entertainment]

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A TV series starring Hallyu star Kwone Sang-woo and actress Soo-ae will begin a new project soon, according to its production company, Verdi Media.

A rep with Verdi told the magazine over the phone Wednesday that Kwone and Soo-ae signed to play the lead characters in "Yawang" [Romanized title], and the filming will begin in November once the supporting actors are cast.
Additionally, "Yawang," adapted from the third installment of artist Park In-kwon's 21-part comic book "The President," will air as a Monday and Tuesday TV series on major broadcaster SBS starting January 2013.

Park's second series was adapted into SBS' TV series of the same in 2010.

With KBS' "THE CHASER" producers Cho Nam-kook and Cho Young-kwang wielding the megaphone, the drama will portray Soo-ae as an ambitious woman who dreams to escape from her poor background to become the first lady and Kwone as a man who gives up everything for the woman he loves.
Kwone made his debut as an actor in 2011 and rose to stardom in Asia after playing the male lead in 2003 TV series "Stairway to Heaven."

After gaining a huge fandom here and playing in dozens of features, most notably in comedy flick "My Tutor Friend" opposite actress Kim Ha-neul, Kwone got married to actress Son Tae-young, who first made public appearance through a beauty pageant.

Meanwhile, Soo-ae made her debut in 2002 and has produced a slew of TV series and movies during her decade-long career. She recently received more spotlights by starring in SBS' hit series "Thousand Days Promise" last year.

Actress Soo-ae, donned in a wedding dress, poses for a picture on the set of the hit TV series "Thousand Days Promise," which aired October 2011. [SBS]

Actress Soo-ae, donned in a wedding dress, poses for a picture on the set of the hit TV series "Thousand Days Promise," which aired October 2011. [SBS]

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