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Lee Dong-wook becomes new host of SBS' "Strong Heart"

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Lee Dong-wook [King Kong Entertainment]

Lee Dong-wook [King Kong Entertainment]

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Korean actor Lee Dong-wook has been confirmed as the new host to SBS' variety show "Strong Heart," according to his agency King Kong Entertainment.

A rep with King Kong told 10Asia on Thursday that Lee will take a stab at being the new emcee of popular program "Strong Heart" while he will record his first episode, which will air on April 10, in late March.
The official added that Lee will be visiting the show's set later on today to see Lee Seung-gi host his final episode and to meet with the producers.

Last month, the current host Lee Seung-gi announced his departure from the show in order to work on his upcoming MBC TV series "The King 2Hearts" and his singing career in Japan

"Strong Heart" is a talk show that gathers celebrity guests to come together every week to share their stories and compete with each other for the top prize. Super Junior members Lee Teuk, Shindong and Eunhyuk as well as TV personality Boom are regulars on the show.
Lee Dong-wook made his debut in 1999 and has since starred in TV series “Partner” (2009) “My Girl” (2005), “Wooden Carousel” (2003) and “The Land of Wine” (2003) as well as films “A Bittersweet Life” (2008), “The Perfect Couple” (2007) and “Arang” (2006).

He also starred in SBS' TV series "Scent of a Woman" and recently played the male lead in KBS' drama "Wild Romance" with actress Lee Si-young.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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