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Cho Hye-ryun to star in Japanese film

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Korean comedienne Cho Hye-ryun is set to appear in a Japanese film, according to her agency on Wednesday.

Cho had been cast to play the leading role in a film tentatively titled "Hear the Song of the Woods" and has already shot 60 percent of the movie, TN Entertainment said in a press release.
"Cho is very proud about the film since she usually played supporting roles in the film," an official at the agency was quoted as saying. "She is doing her best to promote Korea through the movie as well."

"Woods" tells the story of a Korean-Japanese music teacher who brings dreams and hopes to twelve students at a rural school which is about to shut down.

Korean actor Jeon Moo-song also has a supporting role in the otherwise entirely Japanese cast and crew. Cho speaks most of her lines in the movie in Japanese.
Cho got the part after a producer saw the comedienne talking about her father on TBS talk show "Inspirational Stories of Comedians".

Cho Hye-ryun is one of the most successful and hard-working comedians in Korea. She has appeared on numerous comedy shows, dramas and has released a book and fitness video as well.

"Woods" is set for release next fall both in Japan and in Korea.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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