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Epik High Makes Solid Debut on Gaon, TVXQ! Retains No. 1

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Epik High members DJ Tukutz (left), Tablo (center) and Mithra Jin (right) pose together in the photo taken for their seventh studio album "99," set to become available online on October 19, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

Epik High members DJ Tukutz (left), Tablo (center) and Mithra Jin (right) pose together in the photo taken for their seventh studio album "99," set to become available online on October 19, 2012. [YG Entertainment]

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Top hip-hop trio Epik High has debuted atop Gaon singles chart, pushing away former winner Naul to the fifth position.

Epik High’s new song “It’s Cold,” the introductory single to their new album “99,” claimed its first win on Gaon's singles chart during the week of October 7 to 13.
Featuring soon-to-debut songstress Lee Hi, the gloomy hip-hop tune has captured the ears of many K-pop fans by singing about a couple deeply wounded by their on-and-off relationship.

With their feat, anticipation is running high for the seventh studio album which will become available online Friday.

Chasing right after the chart-topper is Brown Eyed Girls member Gain’s “Bloom,” which climbed up six steps to the runner-up position last week.
Korean indie band 10cm’s “Fine Thank You And You” and crooner K.will’s “Please Don’t…” each landed at No. 3 and No. 4, making their successful debut on the chart during the same time frame.

Naul’s “Memory of the Wind,” the title tune off the artist’s first solo studio album “Principle of My Soul,” rounded out the top five last week.

Other K-pop songs loved by the public in the second week of October include 15&’s “I DREAM,” G-Dragon’s “Crayon,” “Missing You,” Seo In-guk and A Pink’s Eunji’s “All For You” and Orange Caramel’s “LIPSTICK.”

On Gaon Album chart, K-pop sensation TVXQ! has stretched its winning streak for three weeks in a row with their sixth full-length album “Catch Me.”

While the duo is continuing to stand strong atop the chart, Brown Eyed Girls member Gain’s solo album “Talk About S.” sat at No. 2 and G-Dragon’s “One Of A Kind” followed next in the third place.

TVXQ!'s Max Changmin (left) and U-Know Yunho (right), donned in black suits, pose with a dog for a group shot taken for their sixth album "Catch Me" which hit online on September 24, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

TVXQ!'s Max Changmin (left) and U-Know Yunho (right), donned in black suits, pose with a dog for a group shot taken for their sixth album "Catch Me" which hit online on September 24, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

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