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[PHOTO] Block B Turns into Pirates in "NILLILI MAMBO"

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Block B members U-Kwon (back left), Jaehyo (back second to left) and P.O. (front right) show live performance of their new title track "NILLILI MAMBO" during an hour-long showcase at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 17, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

Block B members U-Kwon (back left), Jaehyo (back second to left) and P.O. (front right) show live performance of their new title track "NILLILI MAMBO" during an hour-long showcase at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 17, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Block B members Jaehyo (left), P.O. (second to left), Kyung (third to left), Taeil (third to right), Zico (second to right) and b-bomb (right) show live performance of their new title track "NILLILI MAMBO" during an hour-long showcase at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 17, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

Block B members Jaehyo (left), P.O. (second to left), Kyung (third to left), Taeil (third to right), Zico (second to right) and b-bomb (right) show live performance of their new title track "NILLILI MAMBO" during an hour-long showcase at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 17, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Korean boy band Block B has raised the anchor on their new title track "NILLILI MAMBO."

The seven-member group set out for activities for their first full-length album "BLOCKBUSTER" with an hour-long showcase held at Seoul's AX-KOREA on October 17 at 7 p.m. KST.
The event also streamed live on YouTube for overseas fans.

The hip-hop band, who released the first studio album “BLOCKBUSTER” Wednesday at noon, is gearing up to heat up the stage on Mnet’s live music show “M! CountDown” Tonight at 6 p.m. in local time.

Block B members Zico (left) and b-bomb (right) rock out the stage during an hour-long showcase celebrating the release of their first full-length album "BLOCKBUSTER," held at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 17, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

Block B members Zico (left) and b-bomb (right) rock out the stage during an hour-long showcase celebrating the release of their first full-length album "BLOCKBUSTER," held at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 17, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Block B members P.O. (back left), Taeil (center) and Zico (back right) rock out the stage during an hour-long showcase celebrating the release of their first full-length album "BLOCKBUSTER," held at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 18, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

Block B members P.O. (back left), Taeil (center) and Zico (back right) rock out the stage during an hour-long showcase celebrating the release of their first full-length album "BLOCKBUSTER," held at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 18, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Block B members show their backs on the stage during an hour-long showcase celebrating the release of their first full-length album "BLOCKBUSTER," held at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 18, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

Block B members show their backs on the stage during an hour-long showcase celebrating the release of their first full-length album "BLOCKBUSTER," held at AX-KOREA in Seoul, Korea on October 18, 2012. [Stardom Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘
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