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PSY Faces Publicity Crisis with Former Concert Mate Kim Jang-hoon

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PSY (center) asks the audiences to scream for his performance during the "2012 LOTTE NIGHT PARTY" held at the Lotte Hotel in Busan, South Korea, on October 6, 2012. [Lee Hye-ji/10Asia]

PSY (center) asks the audiences to scream for his performance during the "2012 LOTTE NIGHT PARTY" held at the Lotte Hotel in Busan, South Korea, on October 6, 2012. [Lee Hye-ji/10Asia]

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Top Korean artists known for their overwhelming concert performances are embroiled in a bitter feud, which could possibility become a barrier for both of their upcoming activities.

PSY and Kim Jang-hoon, widely known for his contribution to raising the world's recognition toward South Korea's sovereignty over Dokdo islets, are going through a major conflict after PSY allegedly stole Kim's directing styles and ideas for concerts.
Last week, Kim began posting messages on his me2day [Korea's social networking service] that hints on his attempt to commit suicide by taking pills.

PSY's visit to the hospital where Kim has been hospitalized after the suicide attempt sparked yet another media flurry but the "Gangnam Style" singer did not mention anything regarding the issue at an event he visited to perform in Busan that evening, September 6.

Local media speculates that PSY has taken Kim's performance crews and stage techniques after all the help Kim has given to the rapper to get back on his feet from the controversial military issues.
So far, Kim made it official that he will not release the tenth studio album should the dispute with PSY look like a noise marketing to gain bigger media spotlights.

The musician's tenth album, which caused an online media frenzy due to Paris Hilton's appearance in his music video for the title track, was originally due out this month.

Though the conflict is reaching its peak as Kim announced he will leave the country for a few years, PSY is leaving to Austrailia on October 15 as scheduled and continue his promotion abroad including the United States.

To maintain his hard-earned reputation, PSY is rolling out the first U.S. album in the end of November.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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