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[INTERVIEW] AOA: Musical Sisters' Harmony - Pt. 2

스크랩 글자크기

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AOA member Chanmi poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

AOA member Chanmi poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

We spent a lot of time practicing different genres before debut. We've all worked really hard and put in endless hours to practice. Even though I really enjoy our title track “Elvis,” next time I would like to try a cute and a sweet song like a cotton candy.
I am obsessed with making ribbons and other accessories. Whenever I have free time, I just sit on my bed and make ribbons and accessories for mobile phones. And I also love to work on things on my bed. Though it may bother other members, it’s very comfortable and I like it that way. I made a small spot for myself. (Laugh)

Choa is the member that plays the role of a mother in our group. She takes care of everyone just like a mom and an older sister. She’s a great cook and she once made porridge for Seolhyun when she was sick. She’s just a strong person and she’s doing a great job in taking care of us.

AOA member Jimin poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

AOA member Jimin poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

I was once so addicted to drinking coke. I literally carried it with me everyday and drank it. I had enjoyed it until I was a trainee, but now our managers stop me from drinking it because it’s not that good for my health. (Laugh)

I can say that we are powerful dancers. But we couldn’t show all our energy in “Elvis,” because we had to focus on our feminine side for the song. (Laugh) I hope we can get a chance to show more powerful dance moves, like hip-hop.

I think Elvis is perfect for our fan club’s name. Like a girl confessing her love in “Elvis,” I’d like to confess my love for our fans. Additionally, FTISLAND’s fan club Prima Donna was also named from their song and CNBLUE’s Boice has the same origin.


AOA member Mina poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

AOA member Mina poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Hip-hop is the kind of music that I would like to try out. I think it will be pretty cool. I have also learned how to write rap lyrics, which I do whenever I have time. I also try to write raps to tunes sang by other artists.

What's interesting is that we all have sisters. None of us have brothers. Another fun fact is that our parents have gotten so close with each other that they meet up for dinners and even plan overnight trips. (laugh)

American rapper Eve is my role model. I listened to a lot of her songs and raps in order to write my own lyrics and I've become her fan while doing so. I think my role model in Korea is singer and actress Uhm Jung-hwa. She has achieved so much [success] as a singer as well as an actress.


AOA member Yuna poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

AOA member Yuna poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

I’d like to try a soft pop song that will touch the people. Since I have been playing the piano for a long time, I just play around with different chords to make my own tunes. When I’m a bit more confident with what I have, I’ll let the other members listen to them.

Lee Hyori and Alicia Keys are my role models. I look up to Lee because on stage, she’s this powerful dancer but when appearing on TV programs, she a cute and playful character. The reason why I look up to Alicia Keys is because she writes her own music and plays the piano herself. I hope that someday I can be as successful as them in my career.

My parents were against me in pursuing my career as a singer. They tend to be a bit conservative, so I held back my dreams for about two to three years. But at my junior year in high school, I got the courage to stand up to my parents and we fought a lot, but one day my mom said that she believed in me and that was when I came to Seoul by myself. Now, they are two of my biggest supporters.

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