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The Wonder Girls, Akon put on glittering performance of "Like Money"

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The Wonder Girls at the 2012 Green Groove Festival held in Daechon, South Korea on July 21 [COMPANY F]

The Wonder Girls at the 2012 Green Groove Festival held in Daechon, South Korea on July 21 [COMPANY F]

원본보기 아이콘

They were sparkling "Like Money" and fans were wowed "Like This."

The Wonder Girls and Akon were undoubtedly the perfect gigs to headline the finale of the 2012 Green Groove Festival held in Daechon, South Korea, on July 21.
The night has been highly anticipated as the five poptresses and hip-hop artist and producer Akon were scheduled to put on the first-ever live performance of their viral hit "Like Money," before some 40,000 people in the audience.

The quintet did not need an introduction before taking the stage, as many performers before band were enviously mentioning the stars' appearance that evening.

Crowed at the 2012 Green Groove Festival in Daechon, South Korea on July 21 [10Asia/ Kim Min-yong]

Crowed at the 2012 Green Groove Festival in Daechon, South Korea on July 21 [10Asia/ Kim Min-yong]

원본보기 아이콘
After an unexplained 20 minute delay, the Wonder Girls stormed the stage to "Like This," the title song of their second mini-album "Wonder Party."

Prepared for the first live performance of their futuristic tune, the "Nobody" singers were donned in bodysuits sparkling in silver and white sneakers from the beginning of the show.

The five then went on to perform an explosive set of "Be My Baby," the rock version of "I'm So Hot," "Me, in," "Tell Me" and "Nobody."

Passing the mic to Akon, the quintet disappeared from the stage for a while and Akon brought the audience to their feet with an array of his hits including "'Lonely', "Be angel," and "Na Na Na."

"From Tonight, Korea is going to be my second home," Akon shouted out to the crowed, signaling that the five K-pop stars will be joining the next stage.

"And I have some really good friends here in Korea. Ladies, go do what you do best. Let's Go!"

The Wonder Girls and Akon performing at the 2012 Green Groove Festival held in Daechon, South Korea, on July 21 [COMPANY F]

The Wonder Girls and Akon performing at the 2012 Green Groove Festival held in Daechon, South Korea, on July 21 [COMPANY F]

원본보기 아이콘

With the roaring sound of the intro melody beating to the lyrics "Lo-lo-love me like," the girls popped onto the stage and got in a perfect line to show off their synchronized dance routine.

The set choreographies visualizing the words in the lyrics like 'money' and 'cars' stood out even more on live stage than watching them from the music video.

But their perfect dance routine was exactly what made the stage lack a little bit of excitement and energy. The synchronicity of K-pop song's choreographies is of course one of the features that make the idols' songs more attractive and addictive, but that did not work so well when it was with Akon.

In contrast to the rapper, who freely popped and locked through the performance, the girls stayed true to the choreography.

The disappointment was somewhat unexpected because Akon's appearance in the music video for "Like Money" was closer to a pleasant surprise with a little bit of help from the camera's shooting angle from the artist's left side.

Despite a slight lack of dynamic subtlety, the Wonder Girls and Akon successfully finished the collaborative performance of the dance-inspiring tune without any mistake.

After the awaited live performance, Akon made the crowd of more than 40,000 go crazy by housing himself in a giant clear beach ball and the audience kept the musician aloft.

Though it could have been a better show if the group and Akon had gotten used to each other's performance style, the crowd seemed delighted and surprised to watch the American hip-hop musician and five wonder women's union.

Akon performing at the 2012 Green Groove Festival held in Daechon on July 21 [COMPANY F]

Akon performing at the 2012 Green Groove Festival held in Daechon on July 21 [COMPANY F]

원본보기 아이콘

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