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2NE1 reveals snippet of world tour setlist

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2NE1's Park Bom, Minzy, CL and Sandara Park posing in "NEW REVOLUTION" concert poster [YG Entertainment]

2NE1's Park Bom, Minzy, CL and Sandara Park posing in "NEW REVOLUTION" concert poster [YG Entertainment]

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K-pop sensation 2NE1 has lifted the lid on the songs they will perform to at the girls' first world tour concert that will kick off in three weeks' time.

2NE1's leader and rapper CL slightly opened up the details about the songs they will sing and dance to at the "NEW REVOLUTION," while talking to local media outlets at a private interview held at the YG Entertainment office building in Seoul on July 6.
"We held our concerts last year and since then we've only released one new song, 'I LOVE YOU.' Since the setlist is going to be pretty much the same as last year, we're doing some remix for all songs except our latest love tune," CL said, adding that the members will perform the same versions for all cities they hold their shows in.

Regarding their upcoming singles, which were initially planned to be released with "I LOVE YOU" in the same album, the girls said they are not sure when they will drop the next one.

"We wanted to do our best on each song and it was going to take us too much time to finish all, if we were to release them all in the same album this summer," CL added.
"I LOVE YOU" is a mixed genre of electronic and trot music, which the members say is a unique musical genre in Korea that can be compared to the American country rock music.

Meanwhile, the girls are receiving mixed reviews on social networking services online, on their new tune, vocal style and concept, which have substantial differences from their previous releases.

"NEW REVOLUTION" will kick off with the Seoul leg at the Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium on July 28 and 29. The girls will take the show to meet overseas fans in Asia, North America, South America and Europe but their final itinerary has yet to be set.

The "I'M THE BEST" singers will stage the first live performance of "I LOVE YOU" on SBS' music program "Inkigayo" on July 8.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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