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Taiwanese stars Michelle Chen, Jimmy Lin, Wang Bo Chieh invited to PiFan

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Michelle Chen (left), Jimmy Lin (center) and Wang Bo Chieh (right) [PiFan]

Michelle Chen (left), Jimmy Lin (center) and Wang Bo Chieh (right) [PiFan]

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Famed Taiwanese stars Michelle Chen, Jimmy Lin and Wang Bo Chieh have been invited to the 16th annual Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival (PiFan) opening this month.

The PiFan PR team announced through a press release this morning that the three celebrities will strut the red carpet at the opening ceremony of the PiFan, one of the biggest film fest in Korea, in Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, on July 19.
Aside from their red carpet festivities, Michelle Chen will promote her film, "The Soul of Bread," which will be screened under the 'vision express' segment of PiFan.

Michelle Chen is well-known for being the queen of romantic comedies, after starring in films "Hear Me (2009)" and "You Are the Apple of My Eye" last year.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Lin will attend the film fest with his feature pic "Flying with you," co-starring Korean singer and actress Jang Nara.
Helmed by famed Chinese director Zhang Li, "Flying With You" tells the story of a group of young people living in the 1980s who are involved in the competitive world of paragliding. Lin will play a retired paragliding coach from the special forces who will later fall for Jang's character.

The summer release of the collaborative work between Chinese and Korean actors is more meaningful in that it commemorates the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea.

Additionally, Wang Bo Chieh along with director DJ Chen will promote their film "Young Dudes," which was invited under the 'world fantastic cinema' category.

Into its 16th edition, the 11-day fest is slated to kick off with the Korean omnibus pic "Horror Stories" on July 19 and close with the Japanese feature, "For Love's Sake."

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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