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Curtains close on "Rooftop Prince," "The King 2Hearts," "Man From the Equator"

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Photos of SBS' "Rooftop Prince" (top), KBS' "Man From the Equator" and MBC's "The King 2Hearts" [SBS, KBS, MBC]

Photos of SBS' "Rooftop Prince" (top), KBS' "Man From the Equator" and MBC's "The King 2Hearts" [SBS, KBS, MBC]

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It has been a landmark week filled with finales from many popular series and the three primetime TV series went quietly into TV history, closing the curtains after 20 episodes each on the air.

"Rooftop Prince," in which JYJ member Park Yuchun played a crown prince who flew to the present time from the Joseon Dynasty, finished on the roof of the Wednesday and Thursday primetime lineup with the viewership rating of 15 percent this week, the TNmS (Total National Multimedia Statistics) figure showed.
Co-starring actress Han Ji-min, the time-slip drama made its debut at No. 2 spot on the chart after drawing in 10.3 percent rating for the first two episodes.

Despite the notable cast including the idol star, Park, "Rooftop" mostly maintained its seat at the second place except three non-consecutive weeks when it topped the chart: the first two weeks in April and the third week of May.

This week's feat has been a tough one, however, with Uhm Tae-woon and Lee Jun-hyuk's "Man" chasing closely after the chart topper with 13.4 percent rating during the same time frame.
Having recorded itself as the winner of 16 non-straight weeks since its run on March 21, the show gradually attracted more viewers with Uhm's overwhelming acting skills and the well-combined plot of romance, fate, revenge and success.

Going neck-on-neck with the runner-up, "The King 2Hearts" came in last after pocketing 11.8 percent of the viewers during the same period.

Starring singer, emcee and actor Lee Seung-gi and action heroine Ha Ji-won, "The King" has been drawing the romance of the two unlikely characters that came from South and North Korea.

The fantasy drama bravely took on tough issues, starting with drawing the tragedy of a divided nation, the Korean peninsula, and left a literary message that evil gets punished and good will be rewarded.

Meanwhile, over on the AGB Nielson Media Research's chart, the data showed that "Man" grabbed the first place with its rating of 14.2 percent, followed by the runner-up "Rooftop" and "The King" each scoring 13.8 and 11.9 percent rating this week.

Now that the three dramas ended the run, another set of three TV shows that boast starstudded casts are waiting to keep the audience going from next week.

Starting May 30, SBS will present the cyber crime drama "Ghost" that features the lead actors So Ji-sub and Lee Yeon-hee.

Also starring Choi Daniel, MBLAQ's G.O and Song Ha-yoon, the series will go around dangerous cyber crimes that is rampant in the 21st century and how the detectives, played by the main casts, solve the problems.

On MBC, Kim Suna and Lee Jang-woo's "I Do I Do" is set to begin its run. In the forthcoming drama -- which follows the story of women in their thirties who desperately search for their prince charming -- Kim plays Hwang Gina, a top designer for women's shoes, while Lee takes on the role of Park Tae-kang, who is an up-and-coming shoe designer.

KBS, meanwhile, will air the hero drama "Beggar’s Mask" (translated title) adapted from 1974 comic book of the same name by Huh Young-man.

Starring actor Joo Won of the KBS' hit series "Ojakgyo Brothers," "Beggar's Mask" portrays the story of Koreans during the Japanese colonial period in the 1930s.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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