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EXO-K's KAI [10Asia/ Lee Jin-hyuk]

EXO-K's KAI [10Asia/ Lee Jin-hyuk]

원본보기 아이콘

My name is KAI. My real name is Kim Jong-in.
I was born on January 14, 1994. I have two older sisters; one is five years older than me and the other one is nine years older than me.
I'm very quiet at home and act very chic. When my sisters see me on TV, they tell me that they have never seen me so happy like that before, and once asked me why I never act like that at home. I felt... bad. I miss you all, mom, dad and my sisters!
One of my sisters is a huge fan of Shinhwa. She even had a nude photo booklet of them. Because they both have a huge interest in singers, they supported me to become an idol singer.
I'm the only member in EXO-K that has dark skin. I have thick lips and double eyelids that give off a strong impression. Haha.
My parents used to send me go to Taekwondo and piano lessons when I was young. Usually, I would get bored of it really fast and quit them the next day. But when I went to a jazz dance one day, I begged my dad to take me to the academy nearly every day. I started learning ballet after I watched "Nutcracker" in fourth grade.
The company had released a lot of teasers before the debut, but not many people recognized me. Only once maybe. We members went to a pork/beef restaurant and a guy there shouted 'Hey, isn't that KAI?' Other than that, I don't recall (people recognizing my face).
SE HUN is the most handsome member in the team. He was just cute when he was young but after four years of training, I was surprised to see how handsome he has gotten. I got that same shock when seeing SU HO for the first time after I signed contract with SM.
Some fans, who are older than me, ask me if they could still call me 'oppa' (Korean word for 'older brother'). I think they were about... five years older than me. So I just told them to call me like that. Age doesn't really bother me because I have sisters who are each nine and five years older than me and I always call the company staffs 'noona' (older sister) and 'hyung' (older brother).

EXO-K's SE HUN [10Asia/ Lee Jin-hyuk]

EXO-K's SE HUN [10Asia/ Lee Jin-hyuk]

원본보기 아이콘

My name is SE HUN. My real name is Oh Se-hun.
I was born on April 12, 1994. I have a brother who is three years older than me.
What differentiates me from other members? First I have white skin. Oh, wait. SU HO already mentioned that already. (BAEKHYUN: You have the widest shoulder and a skinny waist.) Yes. (CHAN YEOL: V-line) Mmm… Help me. Oh! I have long eyelashes and my eyebrows are long too. (SU HO: You’re handsome. Haha. / BAEKHYUN: I’m good-looking like a marine boy that suits up in white and blue outfits.)
BAEKHYUN is the one who looks the most different when he's wearing makeup. He becomes a different person just by wearing eyeliner, but that doesn't mean that his personality changes. Haha.
I'm not saying this because KAI complimented me. But honestly, KAI is really manly and handsome. D.O is more like an attractive guy. He's gentle and handsome too. CHAN YEOL has a bubbly character and BAEKHYUN is quite a prankster, which attracts people. (CHAN YEOL: Whenever I see BAEKHYUN, I just want to make him go like this (making an action that he wants to prank him back). Lastly, SU HO is handsome like Davide di Michelangelo.
I can get really shy in front of new people but in a short period of time, I get close to people most of the time. I talk a lot and play jokes once I start to feel comfortable with them. I become a totally different person (once you get to know me). Hehehe. It gets worse when I'm with guys. (KAI: He looks like a difficult person to get around with at first, but he's really cute.) I think I satisfy everyone's expectation as the youngest member in the group. (D.O: He doesn't look like the youngest when you look at him, but he acts like one.)
Unlike before, people have been staring at me whenever I hang out or go shopping with the other trainees from our agency. I dress up on Sundays when I don't have musical training and enjoyed my free time. Hahaha.
I don't get fat. When people feel that they get fat, they go into a diet. But KAI and I have never went on a diet. (CHAN YEOL: Me too. Compared to how much I eat, I don't get fat. / D.O: I think everyone just don't care about their eating habits except me.) D.O is quite strict about controlling himself in all aspects.
Sometimes I don't use honorifics as if I'm talking to myself, and KAI said that scares him. (D.O: Isn't it just a part of you being cute?) He thinks that I do that intentionally but I'm just playing around with everyone. Hahaha. (KAI: Sometimes he puts his arms around the other older members and asks, 'Taste good?,' without any manners as a joke. / CHAN YEOL: But sometimes he acts cute too. So..(it doesn't matter)).

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