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Jung Il-woo watched "Boys Over Flowers" for new series

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Jung Il-woo speaks during a press conference for cable channel tvN's "Cool Men, Hot Ramen" in Seoul, South Korea on October 27, 2011. [CJ E&M]

Jung Il-woo speaks during a press conference for cable channel tvN's "Cool Men, Hot Ramen" in Seoul, South Korea on October 27, 2011. [CJ E&M]

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Korean actor Jung Il-woo has said he watched past dramas including close friend Lee Min-ho's hit show "Boys Over Flowers" once again to play his character in an upcoming TV series.

Jung made the remark during a press conference held in Seoul on Thursday for cable channel tvN's 16-part series "Cool Guys, Hot Ramen" where he plays a pretty-faced high school student who is the son of a conglomerate -- the same as Lee's character Goo Jun-pyo from "Boys Over Flowers."
"I went back and re-watched all the episodes of 'Boys Over Flowers,' as well as my own shows 'High Kick 1' and '49 Days' to prepare myself to play Cha Chi-soo," Jung said.

Jung had risen to stardom throughout Asia as a high school student named Lee Yoon-ho in MBC's popular sitcom "High Kick" and then enjoyed popularity once again as the Scheduler in SBS' "49 Days."

He then explained, "After watching them, I realized that there were many commonalities between the male leads so I focused on bringing out their strengths which I hope to show through my character."
"Goo Jun-pyo was known for his big round curls and the Scheduler was known for his fashion which is why I’m putting an effort in depicting on Cha’s personality rather than focusing on his outer appearance.”

"Cool Guys, Hot Ramen," helmed by Jung Jung-hwa and produced by Pyo Min-soo, tells the story of Yang Eun-bi (Lee Chung-ah), a trainee teacher, who takes over her father's ramen store which is operated by handsome chefs.

The show, also starring actor Lee Ki-woo, is set to air every Monday and Tuesday nights on tvN starting October 31.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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