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MBC “The Greatest Love” holds onto its reign for 4th week

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MBC romantic series "The Greatest Love" [MBC]

MBC romantic series "The Greatest Love" [MBC]

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MBC series “The Greatest Love” starring Cha Seung-won and Kong Hyo-jin stayed No. 1 in the Wednesday and Thursdays primetime race for the fourth week in-a-row, according to results yielded by two media research companies on Friday.

“The Greatest Love” came out first against two other primetime dramas after posting an average viewership rating of 13.8 percent on survey by Total National Multimedia Statistics (TNmS) and 17.85 percent on AGB Nielsen Media Research’s (AGB) poll.
The 16-part drama which finishes its run next week, describes the dog-eating-dog world of show business through four characters: a top actor with a failing heart, a have-been idol star willing to sacrifice herself to defend people she loves, an oriental doctor from a love-match show and popular singer-actress, who stands as a jealous rival of the heroine.

SBS romance action “City Hunter” starring Lee Mi-ho and Park Min-young, arrived second on the chart for the fourth consecutive week as well, having scored average viewership ratings of 13.1 percent on TNmS’ chart and another 13.75 percent on AGB’s report.

“City Hunter,” which tells of the story of a man raised to avenge for the death of his birth father and his colleagues whose lives were sacrificed by the whim of five corrupt politicians, is based on a popular Japanese comic of the same name by Tsukasa Hojo and stands as the prequel to it.
Meanwhile, KBS’ “Romance Town” led by Sung Yu-ri, Jung Gyu-woon, Kim Min-joon and Min Hyo-lyn finished at third once again with average marks of 8.6 percent and 9.4 percent on TNmS and AGB’s chart, respectively.

The drama, which centers its plot on a romance between a conglomerate’s son and his housemaid, is also a comical parody of how people can be swayed by money.

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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