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Jang Keun-suk to delay singing debut in Japan

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Hallyu star Jang Keun-suk [Tree J. Company]

Hallyu star Jang Keun-suk [Tree J. Company]

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Hallyu star Jang Keun-suk has postponed his official singing debut in Japan, according to Japan's daily sports paper Sankei Sports on Wednesday.

Sankei Sports reported that Jang, who was set to release his debut single "Let Me Cry" on March 23 followed by his showcase to be held in Tokyo four days later, has been pushed back following last week's earthquake in the country.
Several other K-pop artists including KARA, BEAST, 2NE1 have delayed their activities in the country with Japan currently battling to prevent a nuclear catastrophe and to care for millions of people without power or water after an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.9 sent a 10-meter (33-foot) wave surging through several of its towns and cities on March 11.

Meanwhile, Jang made a donation of about 100 million won to help relief efforts for quake-stricken Japan through his official fan club FRAU INTERNATIONAL.

Jang made his debut in the entertainment business at the early age of five as a catalog model. His TV debut came in 1997 with the cable channel HBS’ sitcom “Happiness For Sale” and has since appeared in numerous dramas including youth sitcom “Non Stop 4” (MBC, 2004), historical drama “Hwang Jinny” (KBS, 2006).
He rose to super stardom in Korea and throughout Asia after starring in the SBS hit series "He's Beautiful" as the eccentric lead singer of the idol group A.N.JELL.

Jang will return to the big screen in the upcoming film whose translated title is "You're My Pet" opposite Korean actress Kim Ha-neul.

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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