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Idol group Choshinsung to teach Korean in Japanese TV

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Korean idol group Choshinsung shown in Sankei Sports's online article [Sankei Sports]

Korean idol group Choshinsung shown in Sankei Sports's online article [Sankei Sports]

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Korean idol group Choshinsung will teach Korean language in Japanese TV starting from late March.

A number of Japanese papers including Sankei Sports, Nikkan Sports and Mainichi Shimbun reported today that the six-member boy band will star in NHK’s bi-weekly Korean language class titled “テレビで ハングル講座” (Korean Language Class in TV) which will go on air starting March 29.
The class will be made up of a total 48 lectures and Choshinsung's member will each take turns to teach some of the most frequently used Korean expressions.

“I have always wanted to star in such a language show ever since I was a student,” said Yoonhak, the leader of Choshinsung who studied in Japan. “I would like to work hard and continue with this job for the next two, three or even 10 years.”

Member Sungmo, too expressed his delight in getting to take part in an educational program while Geonil said he felt more nervous Korean on a Japanese show and took particular care to pronounce his words.
Kwangsu said he hopes the expressions shown in the lecture will be of help to those who are planning to travel to Korea.

Choshinsung, composed of other members Sungje and Jihyuk, made their debut in Korea in 2007 with their album "The Beautiful Stardust" and gained popularity through collaboration projects "T.T.L (Time to Love)" and "T.T.L Listen 2" with girl group T-ara last year.

They branched out into the music market in Japan last year with all ten of their single albums placing within the top six slots on the prestigious Oricon chart.

The group is currently planning to release their next album in Korea in March and their Japanese album around April.

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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