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Secret's single "Madonna" makes way up to No. 1 spot

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Korean female idols Secret have made their way up to the No. 1 spot of cable music channel Mnet's singles chart with their latest tune "Madonna" during the week of August 16 to 22.

"Madonna," from the group's new mini-album of the same name released on August 12, climbed up nine-spots from last week to first place, pushing down former winner "Laughter" by songstress Zia to eighth place.
Four-member girl group Secret is composed of members Jun Hyo-seong, Han Sun-hwa, Song Ji-eun and Zinger. They made their debut in October 2009 with their single "I Want You Back" and released their first mini-album "Secret Time" featuring the title track Magic.

"They Live Well" by 8eight's Lee Hyun and 2AM's Changmin, and "I Want to Cry" by the Brave Sound with Park Jae-beom, both jumped a notch to second and third place, respectively, on the singles chart for the third week of August.

Meanwhile, Korean hip-hop trio DJ DOC held onto the top spot on Mnet’s albums chart once again, continuing their one-month reign with the group’s seventh full-length release "風流.”
Singer Zia remained at the No. 2 spot with her mini-album "Difference" and Secret's second mini-album "Madonna" slid up six-slots to place in the top tier on the chart.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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