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Park Jin-young receives int'l award alongside Bill Clinton

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Founder and CEO of JYP Entertainment Park Jin-young was honored with an international award alongside former U.S. president Bill Clinton at the World Leadership Awards last week, according to JYP Entertainment (JYPE) on Monday.

JYPE announced in a press release that Park was handed the Global Ambassador Award at the World Leadership Awards held in Atlanta, Georgia on August 6. He received this award because of the dreams and hope that he instilled in children as well as discovering and training new talent.

The World Leadership Award is a ceremony hosted by singer Usher's New Look Foundation since 1999. The event spotlights international leaders who have wholeheartedly supported the youth on leadership, business and education.
Other honorees at the awards ceremony included former president Bill Clinton who received the Service Legacy Award and U.S. pop star Justin Bieber was given the Global Youth Leadership Award. Pro-golfer Michelle Wie and singer Ciara were in attendance as well.

"Park seems to have been recognized for giving hope and dreams to children around the world through his efforts in discovering and training stars like Rain, the Wonder Girls, 2PM, 2AM and miss A through various TV programs and auditions," an official from JYPE explained.

"It is an honor and privilege to be given this great award at such a notable event. JYPE will work hard to do our best in developing our management system in finding new talents all over the world," Park was quoted as saying.
Park, 38, made his debut in 1994 with his debut album "Blue City." He has several hits under his belt including "She was Pretty," "Honey" and "Kiss."

He is one of the most prominent producers, composers, and artists in Korea and is the only Asian producer to cross over into the U.S. market.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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