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"Bread" maintains No. 1 spot for 5th week straight

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KBS drama "Bread, Love and Dreams" continued to cook up high ratings, remaining the No. 1 Wednesday and Thursday night TV show for the fifth consecutive week.

Figures from TNmS (Total National Multimedia Statistics) on Friday revealed that "Bread," into its tenth episode, recorded viewership ratings of 38.1 percent on July 7 and 34.5 percent last night, indicating an increase of an average 1.3 percent from last week.
Statistics released by AGB Nielsen Media Research brought in lower ratings -- 33.4 percent on Wednesday and 33 percent the next day.

In this week's episodes of "Bread," about the success story of breadmaker Kim Tak-koo, showed how Tak-koo (played by Yoon Si-yoon) begins working for the baking master Oh Doo-yong (played by Jang Hang-sun).

Meanwhile, ratings for MBC's war epic "Road No. 1" and SBS' "Bad Boy" remained low, scoring in the six to nine percent range on both TV charts.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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