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Park Yong-ha distressed over friend's betrayal, says Ryu Si-won

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Hallyu star Ryu Si-won has said that the late actor Park Yong-ha, who committed suicide early yesterday morning, was heavily distressed by a friend's betrayal, according to Japanese newspaper Sports Hochi on Thursday.

Sports Hochi reported that Ryu shed tears over Park's death at his concert, held Wednesday in Tokyo, saying that someone who is "like a younger brother has gone to heaven."
Ryu described Park as a vulnerable person who was hit with a series of misfortunes, including a betrayal by a close acquaintance.

The late actor, who had been running his own management company YONA Entertainment, is said to have been in a big emotional distress after he and his long-time manager parted over financial issues.

Best known for his role as Sang-hyuk in the smash hit TV series "Winter Sonata" (KBS2, 2002), Park had led a successful acting and singing career in Korea and Japan as well.
However, sources close to Park said that he was recently having a very hard time juggling his career, his company and family problems. His father is currently suffering from late-stage stomach cancer.

Park was found dead in his apartment around 5:30 a.m. yesterday. He hanged himself from the cord of his camcorder charger.

Numerous Korean celebrities, including "Sonata" co-stars Bae Yong-joon and Choi Ji-woo, have visited Park's wake service being held at Seoul's St. Mary's Hospital.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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