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Chun Jung-myung hurrahs soccer player Park Ji-sung

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Actor Chun Jung-myung shed tears of joy and hurrahed for soccer player Park Ji-sung during South Korea's final Group B game against Nigeria of the 2010 World Cup South Africa early on June 23 (Korea time).

"I knew that we could do it. I think I will forever be moved by what happened in South Africa," Chun said after watching the game which secured South Korea a position in the round of 16, the country's first time to make the advancement in a World Cup away game.
South Korea tied 2-2 against Nigeria, the first goal scored by Lee Jung-soo and the second by Park Chu-young.

In an interview with Asia Economic Daily on Tuesday, Chun had predicted that player Park Chu-young will score a goal which would makeup for an own goal he made during the team's match against Argentina last week.

Chun made his debut in the entertainment industry with his role in KBS' drama "School 2." He has appeared in other small screen roles such as "Fashion 70s" and most recently in "Sister of Cinderella."
He also starred in Korean films "The Aggressives," "Les Formidables" and "Hansel and Gretel."

Editor in Chief : Hwang Yong-hee hee21@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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