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Park Jae-beom appears in YouTube video for online interview

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Park Jae-beom, former leader of boy band 2PM, appeared on U.S. online media outlet Stirfry TV over the weekend, answering questions regarding his upcoming projects.

As the star of Stirfry TV's segment called "The YouTube spotlight," Park appeared with two of his dancers from b-boy crew Art of Movement in an interview conducted on April 25 (Seoul time).
Stirfry started the feature interview by introducing Park as "a multi-talented singer and dancer whose three Youtube videos generated over seven million video views and five million channel views in just one month. This phenomenon has been dubbed 'The Jay Effect.'

When asked why he communicates with his fans through YouTube where he posted up several videos of cover performances, he said that it is because "that is where everyone goes to watch videos and it's so easy to use."

He explained that he watches many other talented people on the video-sharing site including a Korean-American rapper named Dumbfoundead with whom he collaborated with on for single "Clouds," which was released online Friday and has already received over 100,000 hits.
About his current and future projects, the singer said that he is "working on a lot off stuff right now." He also confirmed that he will be appearing in b-boy film "Hype Nation" as reported and asked fans to "watch it in the theaters and buy the DVD when it comes out."

The singer ended the interview by thanking his fans for their support and mentioned that he will be doing some shows with Art of Movement next month.

The Seattle-born singer was at the peak of his career last September when it was revealed that he had written several controversial remarks -- including "I hate Korea" -- on his MySpace pages during his teenage years as a trainee at agency JYP Entertainment (JYPE).

He was expected to rejoin the group earlier this year but officially parted with JYPE for good in February over "a huge personal wrongdoing."

Park had been staying in the U.S. since, dancing with his b-boy crew and preparing for debut in the U.S. music scene through collaborations with Dumbfoundead and noted record producer Teddy Riley.

He is scheduled to visit Korea around June to shoot the film "Hype Nation".

Reporter : Cho Bum-ja anju1015@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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