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"Boys Over Flowers" cast heat up Japan over weekend

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The cast of Korean TV series "Boys Over Flowers" visited Japan over the weekend to attend an event promoting the hit show from early last year.

Some 5,000 fans turned up at the "Boys Over Flowers Last Event - Graduation," held in Yokohama, Japan to meet their favorite cast members from the show including actors Lee Min-ho, Kim Bum, Kim Joon and Ku Hye-sun.
The event started with an opening performance by T-Max, led by leader Kim Joon, who sang their popular tracks from the series' soundtrack including "Paradise," "SAY YES," "Empty Bet" and "Bang Bang Boom."

"Boys Over Flowers," adapted from Japanese manga Hana Yori Dango, was a sensation during its three-month run in Korea starting January 2009.

The cast from the show, also including SS501 member Kim Hyun-joong who was unable to attend the weekend event, had been holding individual fan meetings in neighboring Asian countries due to the success of the series in the region.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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