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Kim Hye-soo in talks to make movie comeback

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Top Korean actress Kim Hye-soo is showing prospects of returning to the big screen for the first time in two years.

Sidus FNH, the company producing the romantic comedy thriller tentatively titled "Villain on the Second Floor," said Kim has tentatively agreed to star in the film although an official contract yet to be signed.
Kim's last movie appearance was in 2008 production "Modern Boy." The production costs for "Boy" was over eight billion Korean won but flopped at the box office after attracting a mere 750,000 admissions.

Sidus also said they are in the process of casting a male lead actor in his 40s for the movie set to start filming within the first half of this year.

The film had garnered attention after being chosen to be financed at last year's Pusan Promotion Plan (PPP), held during the Pusan International Film Festival.
"Villain" will be helmed by director Son Jae-gon, famed for his production "My Scary Girl."

Kim, 40, is one of the most popular Korean actresses in the country with numerous films and dramas on her resume since her debut in 1986. Her most memorable roles include the "Faceless Beauty" and "Tazza: The High Rollers."

She made headlines early this year after revealing that she is in a romantic relationship with fellow actor Yu Hae-jin. The two had appeared together in films "Kick the Moon" and "High Rollers."

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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