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Korean songs to be available on iTunes

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The Korean Association of Phonogram Producers (KAPP) has announced that it will provide Korean songs for worldwide iPhone and iPod users through Apple’s i-Tunes store.

i-Tunes currently provides users of iPhone and iPod with an average of 2.5 billion songs and music services on a yearly basis with people in some 81 countries reportedly using the online music store to download songs.
“This is the first time that Korea’s digital music content, approximately 170,000 songs, will be available through a global music service site like i-Tunes,” Lee Deok-yo, President of KAPP, was quoted as saying. Lee also explained that the opportunity will create various business models for Korean music to be available to overseas users.

The service will start before the end of the year and download price is set at the current i-Tunes price -- USD $0.99 per song, $9.90 per album for downloads. To use the service, connect to the i-Tunes App Store and search under entertainment category or by song title.

The KAPP/i-Tunes service is also planning to carry out a special promotion for Korean communities overseas and for iPhone and iPod users located in regions where there is high demand for Korean music.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>

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