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Jung Woo-sung to star in new John Woo movie

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Korean actor Jung Woo-sung is set make his international debut in a new movie by John Woo, according to a press release on Thursday.

The actor has been cast as the male lead in the tentatively titled "Rain of Swords in the Martial Arts World" opposite Chinese action queen Michelle Yeoh, producer Taurus Films said in the statement.
John Woo, a Hong Kong-based filmmaker, has worked with some of Hollywood's top actors including Tom Cruise in blockbuster movie "Mission Impossible II", Nicolas Cage and John Travolta in "Face Off".

In the October 18 issue of the Hollywood Reporter, Woo's longtime filmmaking partner Terence Chang of Lion Rock Productions described the movie as "Face/Off meets 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith' set in the Ming Dynasty.'"

The romantic kung-fu thriller went into shoot starting yesterday in Shanghai where Jung, who left for China on October 27, will be filming for three months.
Jung has starred in numerous famed Korean films, including "Beat" and critically acclaimed "The Good, The Bad, The Weird". He recently appeared in "Season of Good Rain", which was directed by a South Korean filmmaker and co-starred Chinese actress Gao Yuanyuan.

"Rain of Swords" is set for release in late 2010.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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