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2nd International 3D Festival opens in Busan

Official logo of the International 3D Festival 2012 [I3DF], which openes at the Busan Cinema Center in Busan, South Korea on December 6, 2012. [I3DF]

Official logo of the International 3D Festival 2012 [I3DF], which openes at the Busan Cinema Center in Busan, South Korea on December 6, 2012. [I3DF]

원본보기 아이콘

Korea’s biggest 3D content festival, the International 3D Festival 2012 [I3DF] opened on 6th December for 2 days at the Busan Cinema Center.

The event was organized jointly by the Korea Communications Commission, the City of Busan as well as the Korea Radio Promotion Association and the Busan IT Industry Promotion Agency.
The event is in its second year and some of the highlights are special lectures by leading figures from the international 3D scene, an award ceremony for excellence in 3D contents, screenings of 3D films and business consultation sessions. Under the slogan, “Where Dream Meets Reality”, organizers of the event stress that the focus of the event is to bring out fresh, creative 3D contents and ideas.

The main event is the Korea 3D Contents Grand Awards for the best 3D contents from the country. Seven top Korean 3D contents will be awarded as well as its producers, directors and stereographers. The winners will be given the opportunity to send in submissions to the final round of the 4th 3D Creative Arts Award to be held in the U.S. next year.

There will also be a conference attended by global leaders of the 3-D field where discussions on the future of the industry and business strategies will take place. The event organizers say at this year’s “3D Buyer Matchmaking Event”, small and medium 3D businesses in Korea who are finding it hard to explore suitable avenues in export, will have opportunities to meet and consult with overseas buyers.
Some 60 participants including Korea’s 4 terrestrial TV channels as well as satellite stations, cable channels, and independent production companies will take part with Rod Riegel, Vice President of 3NET of the U.S., Torsten Hoffman, CEO of Australia’s CD Contents Hub and Qiang Bai, CEO of 3D China also attending the event. Over 10 companies from the U.S., U.K., Spain, Australia and China will send representatives. For more details, check the event website, www.i3df.com.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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