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PSY Invited to ABC "The View" and Oxford University as Guest Speaker

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PSY dances "Gangnam Style" at a news conference held at Seoul's Ramada Hotel on the day of his return from the United States, September 25, 2012. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

PSY dances "Gangnam Style" at a news conference held at Seoul's Ramada Hotel on the day of his return from the United States, September 25, 2012. [Chae Ki-won/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

After three months of globetrotting on his invisible horse, PSY is meeting broadcast legend Barbara Walters on ABC's morning talk show.

The Billboard runner-up has confirmed his appearance on ABC "The View" set to air on October 25 in local time, according to his agency YG Entertainment Tuesday.
The YG officials said PSY will introduce his "Gangnam Style" choreography and hold an interview with the host.

So far, this is the first of the 36-year-old singer's U.S. promotion this month after parading through popular American TV shows in September. From NBC "Today Show" to "The Ellen DeGeneres Show," he has become one of the popular figures not just here but in the world with the irresistible tune.

Galloping to Europe, PSY will become a guest speaker at Oxford University in Oxford, England, tentatively on November 7, to talk about his "Gangnam Style" success. He is known to have been invited by the Oxford Union, the school's debating society, which is currently led by 22-year-old Korean student Lee Seung-yoon.
Other world figures such as Michael Jackson, Bon Jovi, Mother Teresa and Dalai Lama have stood on the podium. PSY is the second Korean speaker at Oxford after Hwang, former Samsung Electronics chief.

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