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AOA’s Hyejeong to Make Official Acting Debut in Park Si-hoo, Moon Geun-young’s Rom-com

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AOA member Hyejeong poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

AOA member Hyejeong poses for her profile picture in their debut album "Angel's Story," released on July 30, 2012. [FNC Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Rookie idol group AOA’s member Hyejeong has been cast in SBS’ upcoming weekend drama alongside actor Park Si-hoo and actress Moon Geun-young.

AOA’s agency FNC Entertainment said in a press release Monday that Hyejeong will play the younger sister of Moon's character in "Alice of Cheongdam-dong" [translated title].
"I’m so happy to be cast in ‘Alice of Cheongdam-dong after making my guest appearance in ‘Gentleman’s Dignity' (SBS, 2012). I will do my best to become an excellent actress,” Hyejeong revealed her excitement in the statement.

Co-starring actor Park Gwang-hyun and actress So E-hyun, the upcoming weekend TV series will tell the story of Han Se-kyung who struggles to become a daughter-in-law of a wealthy family.

The star-packed drama will air as the follow-up to Ju Ji-hoon's “Five Fingers” in December.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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