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Park Yong-woo to Show True Paternal Love in New Film

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Actor Park Young-woo, donned in a black pinstripe suit, poses on the set of his latest film," PAPA," opened in local theaters on February 1, 2012. [Lotte Entertainment]

Actor Park Young-woo, donned in a black pinstripe suit, poses on the set of his latest film," PAPA," opened in local theaters on February 1, 2012. [Lotte Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Korean actor Park Young-woo has landed a new role in a Korean film that will bring the spotlight onto the story of a sexually abused child.

Park is coming back to the screen as a father whose daughter becomes the innocent victim of a horrible crime in “A Small Hand [tentative title]," his agency Bel Actors Entertainment told the magazine Monday.
“The film cranked in last Wednesday, and the shooting is set to start again after Typhoon SANBA leaves the peninsula,” an official from Bel Actors explained.

“Although the movie deals with a serious social crime, the tone of the film is not too dark. Whereas Park’s previous work “Children” digs deep into the crime itself, 'A Small Hand' is aiming to bring out the director's message with a touch of hope,” the official added.

Adapted from the novel “Finding Wings of Hope [translated title]" by novelist So Jae-won, director Kim Seong-wook is wielding the microphone to grab the public attention to one of the pressing social issues.
The officials added that the book-to-film adaptation finalized its casting boat and will reveal the opening date on a later date.

Park kicked off his acting career in 1997 and is mostly recognized by “Blood Rain” (2005), “My Scary Girl” (2006), “Once Upon a Time in Corea” (2007) and “PAPA” (2012).

He is currently shooting SBS’ new series “My Love, Madam Butterfly [translated title]," set to air on October 6. This will mark his comeback to the small screen in two years after starring SBS' historic medical drama “Jejungwon."

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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