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[PHOTO] Lee Jung-jin, Cho Min-soo, Kim Ki-duk arrive at Venice Film Festival for "Pieta"

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Actor Lee Jung-jin talks to a reporter at the 69th edition of Venice Film Festival opening in Venice, Italy, on September 4, 2012. [NEW]

Actor Lee Jung-jin talks to a reporter at the 69th edition of Venice Film Festival opening in Venice, Italy, on September 4, 2012. [NEW]

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Actress Cho Min-soo and actor Lee Jung-Jin attended the premiere of Kim Ki-duk's "Pieta" at the 69th Venice Film Festival opening in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

sheathed in figure-hugging black dress by Edward Shin's high-end couture brand Publicka Atelier, Cho strut the red carpet while throwing smiles to reporters and cameras at the scene.
Lee, meanwhile, chose Dolce & Gabbana for his red carpet look. He cut a dash at both the carpet and press conference, where he was joined by reporters from various Italian media outlets, according to distributor NEW's press release Wednesday.

"Going to the film festival is like taking a class at school for me. By going there I can share perspectives of directors from around the world. This could enhance film export opportunities and expand the environment [for productions]," Kim said at a press conference held in Seoul on August 29.

"Pieta" is Kim's 18th feature film and one of 18 movies competing for the Golden Lion prize.
Providing the director's insights into capitalism, the story centers around a merciless loan shark [Lee] who brutally uses violence to underprivileged members of the society working near the Cheonggye Stream, which used to be the center of Seoul's thriving economy between the 1970s and 90s.

After a woman, who claims to be his mother that left him after giving birth to him, steps into the man's life, the vicious and brutal man experience changes in his life.

This year's Golden Lion Prize will be announced on September 8.

Donned in a long black dress by Edward Shin's high-end couture brand Publicka Atelier, actress Cho Min-soo poses at the 69th Venice Film Festival's red carpet in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

Donned in a long black dress by Edward Shin's high-end couture brand Publicka Atelier, actress Cho Min-soo poses at the 69th Venice Film Festival's red carpet in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

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Director Kim Ki-duk (left), actor Lee Jung-jin (second to left) and actress Cho Min-soo (right) pose at the 69th Venice Film Festival's red carpet in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

Director Kim Ki-duk (left), actor Lee Jung-jin (second to left) and actress Cho Min-soo (right) pose at the 69th Venice Film Festival's red carpet in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

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Donned in a long black dress by Edward Shin's high-end couture brand Publicka Atelier, actress Cho Min-soo poses at the 69th Venice Film Festival's red carpet in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

Donned in a long black dress by Edward Shin's high-end couture brand Publicka Atelier, actress Cho Min-soo poses at the 69th Venice Film Festival's red carpet in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

원본보기 아이콘

Director Kim Ki-duk (second to left), actress Cho Min-soo (second to right) and actor Lee Jung-jin (right) pose together at the 69th Venice Film Festival opening in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

Director Kim Ki-duk (second to left), actress Cho Min-soo (second to right) and actor Lee Jung-jin (right) pose together at the 69th Venice Film Festival opening in Venice, Italy, on September 4.

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