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Big Bang's Seungri to emcee Fuji TV's music show

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Big Bang's Seungri is posing in front of the camera for their 2012 repackaged album, "Still Alive." [YG Entertainment]

Big Bang's Seungri is posing in front of the camera for their 2012 repackaged album, "Still Alive." [YG Entertainment]

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K-Pop icon Big Bang’s Seungri has confirmed that he will be the special emcee of a popular Japanese TV music show.

Fuji TV’s music variety show “Sakigake! Ongaku bangjuke eight” [in Romanized Japanese] has hired Seungri as a special emcee, the title given to program's regular guests, according to YG Entertainment’s press release on Friday.
This comes in only a month after the artist kickstarted his solo career in Japan in June.

The officials told the magazine that Seungri got the position after appearing on the program for two non-consecutive weeks last month, when he surprised the show's officials by actively participating in the two episodes and drawing in a massive response from the viewers.

“Seungri’s active participation and attitude impressed the Japanese producers a lot. His efforts to learn Japanese, such as writing a diary everyday on Big Bang’s mobile fan club, 'BIGBANG☆WORLD,' have helped him be qualified for the regular emcee role,” the official was quoted as saying.
In the meantime, Seungri began hosting his own reality show tentatively titled, “V.I FROM BIGBANG” on Japan's cable music channel Space Shower TV Plus on Thursday. Through the program, the group’s youngest member will be revealing his daily life and singing activities.

Meanwhile, Big Bang--composed of G-Dragon, T.O.P, Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri--is currently continent-hopping for the group's world tour, dubbed "BIG BANG ALIVE TOUR 2012," the group's first world tour opening in 25 cities in 16 countries.

The singers will also grace the stage at “a-nation festival," which will be held at the Ajinomoto stadium in Tokyo, Japan on August 26.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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