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"Deranged" continues to perch atop the box office

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Poster to "Deranged" [CJ E&M]

Poster to "Deranged" [CJ E&M]

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Korean drama-thriller "Deranged" continued to perform well at the local box office over the weekend, maintaining its firm grasp on the No. 1 spot.

"Deranged," written and directed by Park Jung-woo, spent its second week atop the box office chart with 1,151,314 moviegoers between July 13 and 15, according to data compiled by the Korean Film Council (KOFIC) Monday.
"Deranged" tells the story of Jae-hyuk (played by Kim Myung-min) trying to solve the cause of mysterious drowning incidents happening in South Korea.

Jae-hyuk later notice that his family is showing the same symptoms as the drowned victims, and with the help of his detective brother (played by Kim Dong-wan), he discovers the parasites that has caused the nationwide chaos.

Hollywood's action-packed blockbuster "The Amazing Spider-Man" held onto the second spot with 681,325 tickets sold, while Korean horror flick "Two Moons" made its debut at No. 3 after selling 205,755 tickets during the same time frame.
"Two Moons," starring Park Han-byul and Kim Ji-seok" opened in theaters on July 12. The pic tells the story of three characters that wake up in a cabin located in a deserted area, where they must figure out how they got there in order to escape.

Korean pic "Dangerously Excited" also entered the chart over the weekend at No. 4 with 128,081 admissions, followed by Japanese animation "A Letter to Momo" sitting at No. 5 after pulling in 109,129 ticket sales.

Other movies in the top ten includes "Limitless," "Midnight in Paris," "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted," "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" and "Street Dance 2."

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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