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KBS "Gaksital" masks over competition by clinching 6th consecutive win

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The poster of KBS' series "Gaksital" [KBS]

The poster of KBS' series "Gaksital" [KBS]

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KBS' TV series "Gaksital" has stretched its winning streak once again on the Wednesday and Thursday primetime ratings chart.

"Gaksital" shattered its own record with an average rating of 17.1 percent this week, adding one more victory to its already impressive record, according to TNmS (Total National Multimedia Statistics) on Friday.
The TV adaptation of 1974 comic of the same name by a legendary cartoonist Huh Young-man is a tale about a Korean hero, fighting against the Japanese imperialistic conquerors in the darkest time in the Korean history.

The show has received overwhelming response from both TV critics and audience, with increasing number of online users posting reviews on the website's board.

The viewers praise two recent episodes this week by writing positive reviews such as, “This drama never disappoints the audience in every episode” and “I feel pity for people who don’t know this great series yet.”
Next, SBS' "Phantom" has shown a steady rise on the ratings chart, after logging 14.8 percent in the same period.

The runner-up also posted its highest record in ratings since it kicked off its air in the last week of May.

The cyber crime drama, with the ensemble cast of actor So Ji-sub and actress Lee Yeon-hee, has been gaining more and more attention by capturing social problems in the modern Korean society.

The fascinating characters played by veteran actors are the series’ another asset that has been steadily attracting more viewers.

Meanwhile, MBC’s "I Do I Do," starring actress Kim Suna and Lee Jang-woo, came last and failed to power up the broadcaster, owing much to its loosened storyline.

The love story between a successful career woman and a newbie businessman, saw a slight rise of 0.3 percentage points from last week and posted an average rating of 8.3 percent.

On the AGB Nielson Media Research chart, the three series were placed in the same order but with slightly different numbers.

While "Gaksital" grabbed the top seed after drawing in 14.4 percent of the viewers, "Phantom" and "I Do I Do" followed next with 12.6 and 8.9 percent during the same time frame.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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