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Bae Soo-bin mulling over role in KangFull's political film

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Bae Soo-bin [BH Entertainment]

Bae Soo-bin [BH Entertainment]

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Korean actor Bae Soo-bin is mulling over a role in a political film adapted from the webtoon by KangFull, according to the pic's production company, Chungeorahm Film.

A producer from Chungeorahm told the magazine in a phone interview on Monday that Bae is currently in discussions to play a secretary in "26 Years."
The film is already surrounded by some of the most popular Korean stars, including Korean ballad group 2AM's Seulong, actress Han Hye-jin and actor Jin Goo.

"26 Years," which had evoked controversy when first released in comic strips, begins with one of the most critical events in Korean history in the 1980s.

The story goes deep into the pro-democracy movement in the city of Gwangju on May 18, 1980, when thousands of people -- mostly composed of college students -- were killed or wounded by the South Korean government.
The incident showed how the people were brutally suppressed by the dictatorial administration of the time and KangFull's web comic puts emphasis on the overcoming of inter-personal and societal barriers.

The film was originally set to star actress Kim Ah-joong and Ryoo Seung-beom under the title "29 Years" in 2008, but the production came to halt once investors pulled out from funding the film due to external issues.

Bae made his debut in 2002 through the Chinese TV series, "The Proof of Memories" on CCTV. The actor has since appeared in other dramas such as "The Painter of the Wind," which won him the new star award at the 2008 SBS Drama Awards.

His credits include MBC's historical drama "Dong Yi - Jewel in the Crown" and since then he has been promoting the show in various countries in Asia. Bae last starred in SBS' series "49 Days" with Jung Il-woo, Lee Yo-won and Nam Gyu-ri.

In Japan, Bae has recently starred in the Japanese film titled "The Man of White Porcelain," alongside Japanese actor Yu Yoshizawa.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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