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2NE1 signals comeback in mid-June

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2NE1 [YG Entertainment]

2NE1 [YG Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Female K-pop 2NE1 has been set to break out from their long hiatus and comeback with a brand new album next month.

2NE1 is returning to the music scene in 11 months after rolling out the second mini-album in July last year and they are also planning to perform on televised music programs after the release, an official from YG Entertainment told 10Asia in a phone interview this morning.
While the firm has yet to decide whether this will be the group's another mini-album or an official full-track album, the new release will feature around seven songs that they have worked on with producer and former singer Teddy.

Being one of the leading artists in the mainstream K-pop and fashion, 2NE1 has produced smashing hit songs that inspired many music lovers in Korea and abroad.

Especially, the group's electronic dance track "UGLY," which has self-criticising lyrics that contrasts to the song's upbeat tune, has powered the album to become one of the top-selling albums in Korea and has been covered by countless global fans on YouTube.
Following after the grand comeback, the "Fire" singers will hold a concert in Korea sometime in August, and more details concerning the new release and upcoming concert will be announced by the firm on a later date, YG said.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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