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FTIsland’s album sweeps music charts in Taiwan

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FT Island [FNC Music]

FT Island [FNC Music]

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Korean boy band FTIsland has dominated several charts in Taiwan, according to their agency FNC Music on Tuesday.

“GROWN UP,” the group’s fourth mini-album released on January 31, has managed to place itself at No. 1 on a total of nine different music charts in Taiwan, ranging from albums chart to ring tones chart.
Their album’s success has been proved through a number of Taiwan’s major record stores and music distribution sites including Taiwan’s biggest record shop G-Music and the largest Taiwanese music distribution website eZPeer+.

Most notably, the band snagged the top spots on the albums chart and K-pop albums chart at G-Music, K-pop singles chart at eZPeer+, K-pop albums chart at Kuang Nan Record, and ringtones chart at eMOME Mobile, TAIWAN Mobile, and FETNet Telecom.

Recently, FTIsland wrapped up their joint concert with FNC labelmates CNBLUE in Los Angeles, California and will launch their Asia tour which will include a show in Japan.
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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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