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[INTERVIEW] SunnyHill - Part 2

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Interview with SunnyHill

juB [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

juB [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘
My name is juB. My real name is Kim Eun-young.
I always checked the spelling of my name whenever an article came out after I made my debut because many people confused me for Juvie Train from the Buga Kingz.
I was born on August 4, 1986. I have a brother who is four years older than me.
I was cast on the street when I was walking around Myung-dong eight years ago but it was one of those agencies where we had to pay. That was where I first met Seung-a. (laugh) And in the midst of all the misfortune, we both passed auditions where the previous president of our agency came there to see the auditions.
I was a quiet student during my school years. I used to go all out and have fun with my friends when we went for karaoke but I became very timid and didn't speak out when I was around a lot of people. I changed that quality about myself after I made it past the auditions and became a trainee. That's why I have some childhood friends that are surprised and ask me how I became a singer.
I majored in public administration in college. I heard that it would hard to juggle to my activities if I majored in applied music because I had to practice a lot with an ensemble. I entered college after I was signed with an agency and I was on focusing on the trainee system.
There was a scene in the music video for "Midnight Circus" where I'm lip-syncing and swinging in the air but that whole scene got edited out. I tried to act through my expressions though I was trembling and my feet were tightly wrapped... the scene turned out ugly and I looked thin and pale because of it was too cold. (Seung-a: I thought it was really cute how you were wriggling your toes because of the cold.)
We sang the song "Thump Thump" for MBC's TV series "The Greatest Love." I wanted to do a good job because it is an important song since its what makes Cha Seung-won's character's heart thump. My mobile phone's ringtone was that song and I intentionally didn't pick up the phone so people could hear it. (laugh) This song was my lucky charm.
In our house, Seung-a and Mi-sung share a room while Kota and I have our separate rooms. Seung-a and Mi-sung are very neat and I try real hard to keep the shoe shelf clean because we use it together. To be honest, my room isn't clean at all. (laugh)
The members and I sometimes cry when we drink. I feel like it's not a very good habit. (Seung-a: The atmosphere is really high when we are feeling good and we cry when we are feeling bad. It's opposite extremes.)
I feel like Jang-hyun is different from other people because he knows how to dance very well, plays an instrument and does magic tricks. But outside of those activities... uhm...(laugh).
My favorite genres of music is R&B and club. That is why I want to play the piano and sing an R&B song if we ever have a concert. Just like Alicia Keys.

Seung-a [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Seung-a [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘
My name is Seung-a. My real name is Lee Seung-a.
I was born on March 29, 1987.
I was the biggest fan of girl group S.E.S when I was in elementary school. I still have about 400 pictures of them at my house. (laugh)
I wanted to become a singer when I was in junior high because that was when I saw BoA perform. So I thought if someone my age can become a singer I want to become one as well. That was when I started to go to auditions. I even danced to BoA's song "ID; Peace B."
I was overcome with confidence at the age of 16 thinking that I had what it takes because I was scouted on the streets. It was because I was chosen out of all the other people! But later on I found that it could happen to anyone. (juB: That was when everyone who walked the streets in Myungdong were scouted...(laugh))
To be honest, my first impression of juB wasn't that great. She kind of blew me off when I first said hello to her and I thought to myself "Who does she think she is." We then passed an audition and I became enamored after talking to her. She was easy-going and very meticulous. (laugh)
I majored in clothing and textile in college. It felt like I found my path in life just in case I didn't become a celebrity since we weren't certain when our debut was going to be. I originally wanted to become a teacher but it was difficult in many ways. (laugh) I thought majoring in clothing and textile was odd but it turns out I was a natural.
I was a bit clumsy and very optimistic as a child. I always got in trouble from composer Lee Min-soo when I was trainee because he said that my pronunciation was weird because of my fat tongue. I wrote about it in my journal saying, "My tongue, why are you fat? I will put you on a diet" and the title of that entry was 'My tongue's betrayal.' (juB: She seems like she's from a different dimension.)
My agency told me to be careful because I made this clicking noise with my tongue while we practiced the dance moves for the second verse of "Midnight Circus." And I seriously made a big mistake. I made that sound on KBS' "Music Bank" and... the atmosphere at our agency wasn't good. I got in a lot of trouble for thinking that going on air was a joke. However, the fans thought it [making the sound] was great. It was to the point where the fans were curious why I didn't make that noise. (laugh)
I was fooling around a lot during the music video shoot and I came out looking really weird. I got into a serious amount of trouble. That was when I cried in front of the director while talking about my past hardships and he told me to act on those emotions. Later, the director told me that I did a really great job and I thought I was actually going to cry.
I don't listen to deep music because of my personality. (laugh) That is why when I listen to R&B, I usually hear cheerful R&B music just like the songs by 4Men. I really like electronica hip-hop like "KNOCK OUT" by GD&T.O.P.

Kota [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Kota [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘
My name is Kota. My real name is Ahn Gina.
Composer Lee Min-soo started calling me Kota saying that it suited me and it became my stage name. A few days ago he revealed what Kota meant on his Twitter saying that is means "Korean Tiger." (laugh) A Korean tiger!
I was born on October 14, 1987. I have a brother who is five years old than me.
I loved music even as a child. Everyone at school knew who I was because I sang so well. I also got along well with my friends. I really liked studying as well especially taking notes! I enjoyed using different colored pens to decorate my notes. (laugh)
I'm in charge of showing charisma on stage. I'm usually not like that but the look in my eyes change once I'm singing on stage. I can't tell but the other members tell me that they do. (laugh)
I try to cook sometimes but I get in trouble because I always cause problems. I once started a fire and I burnt a tuna fish griddle cake that I was making. I was only trying to cheer up the other members. (Seung-a: She seems like an elementary school student at times.)
I try to be clean because I want to be complimented by Seung-a. She oftens comes to inspect my room to see if I cleaned.
I chopped off my long hair while preparing for this album. Either Seung-a or I had to decide to cut our hair but Seung-a didn't want to so I did. I think it suits me well since some fans tell me not to grow out my hair.
I like dark music like the waltz or tango. I like Third World music as well as tunes containing a lot of brass sounds.
I like to rap even though "Midnight Circus" only shows me singing. That is why if I get the chance to, I want to do a rap duet with Mi-sung just like GD&T.O.P. (Mi-sung: Just like gangsters!)
I think about how great it would be if I was tall like Mi-sung. I'm a bit taller than 158 centimeters so people tell me that I'm the same whether I sit or stand. I bet my life would be different if I was taller.

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Reporter : Hwang Hyo-Jin seventeen@
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@, Jang Kyung-Jin three@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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